Okay, what I’m about to write is about what makes a boss a 'real boss’. Hahahaha. For me, if you have a higher position in a company I take it that you are my boss. But I consider you as ‘the real boss’ if you do the things like my bosses did for the last four days, feeding me non-stop with food. Hahahahahahaha.
Starting from Tuesday (Monday is public holiday) boss #1 bought us nasi kotak for lunch. I didn’t know that boss #1 was going to buy us lunch so I took my bekal to my house again. The lunch was ayam bumbu something and for the afternoon snack, boss #1 gave each of us a slice of blackforest cake (few days ago was his birthday). I think it’s one of the yummiest blackforest I’ve ever tasted.
On Wednesday boss #2 bought us rujak, of course we ate it after lunch, not for breakfast hahaha. Here is a picture taken by my other boss while I was eating rujak.

(Notice there’s an Ena’O can on the picture. I am an admin staff for Ena’O programs hahaha)
I know you guys must be thinking how greedy I was, but the picture is not reflected what was really happened. I didn’t eat the rujak all by myself, but I was the last one who was still eating the rujak so my other boss took a picture of me and emailed the photo to other people in my department with title “ratu rujak maruk”. I’m not that maruk guys, trust me. Hahaha.
I was quite full with all those fruits and bumbu kacang when the unexpected blueberry cheesecake came. Oh my. It was only one hour after I ate rujak, but of course how could you resist food, especially the irresistible one like this? (well, it taste better than the picture could say)

Turns out it was the birthday cake part two from boss #1. Sweeeet… but the weird thing was the taste of cheesecake and bumbu kacang mixed in my mouth. It was two different flavors which not match to each other and never will. Hahaha.
On Thursday I already brought my own food for lunch when the on the sudden the other boss asked us out during the lunch hour. It’s boss #3’s treat. His birthday was around two weeks ago so I didn’t expect that he would treat us. I was like “what?! Another treat?”. But then when someone has a good deed to you, you shouldn’t reject it hahaha. So we went to Mall of Indonesia and ate bakmi GM. Actually I ordered nasi goreng but they gave me nasi sapi cah cabe. I don’t mind, I love nasi sapi cah cabe too.hohoho.
After lunch we went back to our office and it’s not even an hour after we got back to the office when bos #2 said: “let’s order konyaku drink from hoka-hoka bento!”. Gyaaaaaaah. I was still full so I said I didn’t want it. But then he asked for the second time: “mau dong?”, and I helplessly said, “mau deh hahahahaha”. (I know you guys are questioning about my consistency hahaha). The konyaku drink was his treat again.
And now today is Friday, it is the boss #3’s birthday. When I arrived at the office, my friend said: “today we are going to have a full food service from morning till afternoon”. And she was right. For morning snacks we were given pastel, bika ambon, and lemper.

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