Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Feels like 32

It says 28 degrees, but it feels like 32 degrees out here. I know that I'm not the only one who's feeling the heat but this morning was sooo hot that I couldn't even put my foundation on my face to cover those zits - because I knew it would melt away on my face just seconds after I apply it. 

I even consider to chop my hair again like last year.

Dear heat, you are giving me a lot of thoughts this morning. 

Btw, next week's forecast said that it's gonna rain the whole week. Dear Jakarta traffic, I know you won't be easy on us on rainy days. So bring it on!!! 🤘

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Have you seen Adele's new music video "Hello"?
Hellowww... if you haven't then you have to see it.
For some people, they might be focusing on how beautiful the song is, or questioning about the flip phone used in that video. As for me, my focus would be on how flawless her make up is! Ah... look at those precise eye liner and the contouring on face. To d i e for!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

All in One

Bought this oil on the very last minute before the store's about to close.
I was looking for the moringa scent that time, but they only had satsuma, chocolate, and strawberry scent.
Back then I thought: 
chocolate- It smells too sweet, I dont want it all over my hair and body
Strawberry- too mainstream (yea right my brain works that way)
Satsuma- wow this smells nice and refreshing, I'm gonna buy this one!

Then, just like a kid who just bought a new toy and cant wait to play with it at home, I went back home and applied the beautifying oil on my dry hair.
Few minutes after the application, I was like: "I smell like car perfume"
Then my mom came into my room and said: "Ini bau baygon dari mana? Kamu abis nyemprot kamar?"

Okay great, I have a beautifying oil and mosquite repellent, plus I smell like a fresh can of car perfume. All in one!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Please be informed that this is a 'G' rated blog. Hahaha... The 'xxxxx' title is referred to the cross stitch pattern, and if you didnt know what cross stitch is, you are not alone. I didnt know about it either until my year college when a friend of mine introduced me to it. 

At first it I bought a simple pattern, a small one with rabbit pattern on it -my chinese zodiac. Yea you sure gotta put yourself first 😜

Later on I started on a bigger pattern, and I have to admit that it was a form of stress relieve activities. Right now there are probably no space on my parents' house to hang all of it (lebay yes), but no worries my masterpieces, when I'm moving out I'm gonna bring you all and hang you on to the wall (I guess?)

Okay so anywaaay I was cleaning up my drawers and I found two cross stitch patterns that I haven't finished yet. I think that it was more that three years since I've been working on the monochrome pattern but then, I found a receipt dated in 2009 when I first bought the wool for this pattern. 

In short, this is a one pattern I've been working since 2009, then I stopped doing it in 2012. Then with a random destined search on my drawer, it takes only one day for me to finish this pattern.

O dear God this is freaking me out. I could've finished it three years ago 😐
And it started to make me wonder whether there are other things in my life that I have given up, that it was so close destined to be mine.

What a creepy thought I had there. Maybe I should have focus on the second pattern that haven't finished yet 😄

The cross stitch pattern that made me think deeply