Friday, September 28, 2012

How Great is our God

This is my first time visiting Great Wall. I hope next time I can bring my family here 😊

- Abeth on BlogPress from her iPod

Monday, September 3, 2012

Lai Lai Beijing Ba!

After arriving in BeiJing on August 29th, on the next day we finally got a chance to take ‘di tie’, or the MRT of BeiJing.  We went to HaiDianHuangZhuang area and had a dinner there.

Say ‘cheese’ in front of ‘di tie’ zhan (MRT station) and Xin Zhong Guan/ Gate Mall

This is what we ate for dinner: MaLaXiangGuo. You choose the meats and vegetables by yourself and later they will cook for you in the level of spiciness you decide. In this restaurant, they have four levels. This time we tried the level 2. 
Hot and Spicy Baby!

 Cute Eating Utensils. I couldn't rotate the pic :(

Pictures taken by Fey. I'm to lazy to take photos :p