Thursday, August 6, 2015

New is Always Better

Okeh blog title yang menjebak.

Hari ini, shuttle bus yang saya biasa tumpangi dark Kelapa Gading menuju Sudirman punya bus yang baru. Bisnis looks great untuk usaha anter jemput ini sepertinya *komen sok paham

Lalu naiklah saya ke minibus berkapasitas 15 penumpang itu. Busnya dari luar terlihat mulus dan bersinar. Bodynya seperti menatap kita dan berkata," Ya, ini saya, cobalah saya!"
Ketika menaiki tangga dan masuk ke dalam bus kita bisa merasakan wangi aromatherapy tercium dari dalam - okeh, di sini saya melebih2kan. Tidak tercium aroma apapun, untungnya. 

Hal pertama yang menarik perhatian saya ialah jok sofa motif jadul berwarna coklat muda yang modelnya jadul banget. Serasa duduk di sofa2 di sinetron taun 90-an dengan bahan beludru. Lantas di dekat jendela kita bs melihat rel hordeng terpasang dengan hordeng berwarna kuning pucat. Jadi kalau restoran padang ketika bulan puasa menutup display makanan yg ada dengan hordeng, saya sebagai penumpang bus ini merasa seperti berada di restoran padang berjalan. 

Kalau boleh saya namakan, restoran padang berjalan ini akan saya beri nama: Tidak Sesederhana Itu. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

BKK Trip

It's almost 15 years since my first visit to Bangkok and I've always wondered what does Bangkok looks like now.

So after resigning from my last job (oh yes, you can ask me about it and a lot of wisdom will come out from my mouth :D), I had around 10 days before starting in the new company. I took the chance to go to Bangkok with my mom. 

One of the main reason why I choose Bangkok was because I believe that the public transportation is still reliable for us to go everywhere without guide needed. So with the power of internet, I started to browse and looking for things to do in Bangkok. Well the first things first is of course you need the airplane ticket to Bangkok. 

You know how people use to buy affordable ticket price from like a year ahead and really managed to get a cheap price ticket? Well, I am not that kind of person who can plan a year ahead trip. If I want to go, okay, I'll go and I'll buy the ticket, - but of course still on my 'affordable and make sense' range. 

I bought the the round-way ticket and hotel for three nights from because I thought that it is always cheaper when you bought a bundled package (it is right? no, it's not? WHAT?) And a friend suggests us to stay at Siam area which was more like Orchard in Singapore.

It was a 4 days 3 nights trip and the main activities we did there was shopping hahaha. Here's the recap of what we did back then:
Day 1 : Arrival + MBK
Day 2 : Chatuchak Market + Siam (Yep! Malls again)
Day 3 : Madame Tussauds + Grand Palace + Wat Pho + Asiatique
Day 4 : Platinum + Departure

So after four days, what did I bring back from Bangkok besides additional weight on our baggage and sunburn? A travelling experience and a curiosity to explore another new place. Where should I go next? :D