Sunday, March 21, 2010

don't worry, be sweaty

baiklah, di bawah ini saya akan menampilkan sebuah gambar yang akan di rated R -restricted- oleh organisasi film karena menampilkan darah yang berlebihan.


ini gambar jari kaki saya yang berdarah karena kuku saya sendiri. hahaha. pintarnya saya.
jadi ketika saya sedang treadmill pada hari jumat, saya merasakan ada yang tajem-tajem di jari manis kaki kanan saya, namun karena masih belum terlalu menganggu, saya hanya cek sebentar dan tetap melanjutkan olahraga. saya kira ada batu atau kayu yang nyelip dan ketika saya cek sekilas, namun tidak ada apa-apa.
kemudian pada hari minggu saya kembali treadmill dan rasa nyerinya makin menyerang tapi saya bertekat tidak mau berhenti olahraga hanya karena rasa nyeri sepele. (tekad saya sudah sebulat atlit olimpiade)

ketika sudah selesai olahraga dan buka kaos kaki, kagetlah saya ketika melihat lumuran darah di jari manis saya. ternyata rasa tajam yang saya rasakan berasal dari kuku kelingking saya yang ujungnya berbentuk kotak dan belum saya gunting (karena ketutupan kutek ya bo)
agak siok juga sih melihat banyaknya darah yang keluar, padahal sepertinya penyebabnya sepele sekali. sampai-sampai darahnya banyak menyerap di kaos kaki

baiklah saudara-saudara, semoga posting kali ini menginspirasi anda untuk tetap berolahraga sampai tetes darah penghabisan. hahaha.
salah deng, semoga anda terinspirasi untuk berolahraga dengan baik dan benar, jangan sepelekan rasa-rasa sakit kecil yang menyerang. segera cek ke posyandu terdekat. LOL

Monday, March 15, 2010

hot mess

It’s March and it’s time to get creative! Yeah yeah, I know it doesn’t really make sense; we should be creative anytime anywhere, I only said that because I don’t know the right opening paragraph for this post.

Okay, so me and my sister went to Gramedia and she bought a do-it-yourself craft book. This book teaches us on how to make your own hair clip, hair band, necklace, etc by using fabric. When we saw the book, we thought ‘wow that wasn’t so hard, it’s doable for us’.

Buying the book is just the beginning of everything. Then we come to a test, we must do just like the book said. And when we tried to make something, it really doesn’t look like the picture on the book. LOL. So my sister do her own thing and managed to make a hair pin like this…

What about me? Hahaha.
I was trying to make a necklace like this picture:

I thought, wow, that sure is easy, you only need lace, sew it a little and put a ribbon on it. Then I tried to do it on my own, using black lace, and it turned out like a black caterpillar. Yuck. Really ugly.
Then I decided to change color to pink. And yet it still looked like a caterpillar, a pink one.

Or maybe it looks like the necklace that Hawaiian people wear. What’s that called?
Soo I decided to add a twist into the pink caterpillar by adding some pearls. So now I’m proudly presents my first ever necklace creation. Tadaaaaaaaa!

And yes, it does still look weird. I once tried it on while wearing a plain color shirt, and yet, it’s still a mess. A hot mess maybe? Hahahaha. Come on, I’m trying to cheer myself here. Practice makes perfect right? :)

eclipse official trailer

you know i am (or was?) a twilight saga fan. but i think i prefer the books than the movie.
i was totally in love with twilight the movie, so-so with new moon the movie, and now, by watching this eclipse trailer kinda ruined Edward's charm for me. he looks sooo pale and dead (well obviously he is dead already.) But i'm still on team Edward anyways.

the trailer kinda portrayed Eclipse as the more 'ABG' movie with some cheesy lines. hahahaha... so boys, please don't watch this movie when it comes out on June 30th, cause i think it is really a girl-y kind of movie.

100 years

I remember when I first hear this song, 100 years by ‘five for fighting’, I was more than fifteen years old, maybe around 16 or 17 and I thought, this song was great, easy listening but too bad I’m not 15 at that time. I think that song would be my anthem if I were fifteen at that time. Hehehe.

And then this song was played on the radio this morning and I remember some of the lyrics and I sang along with it. Some of the lyrics I can’t remember so I google it. Then came the moment of truth, when I read the lyrics, it says: ‘I’m 22 for a moment’. Darn. It hit me. I am 22 at the moment. It means it was more than five years since I first hear this song. On the other hand, this right year to make 100 years by five for fighting as my anthem. YESH!

Then I read the lyrics carefully, and I once again, it’s like I get another hit.

Half time goes by
Suddenly you’re wise
Another blink of an eye
67 is gone

I'm 99 for a moment
Dying for just another moment
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are

It’s about how fast time flies. Demmit! Nobody knows how many times you have left in this world. I tell you a little secret, not everybody have a hundred years to live, so you might want to make the best out of it :)

15 there's still time for you
22 I feel her too
33 you’re on your way
Every day's a new day...
15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Alice’s wonderland

This week I had a chance to watch Alice in Wonderland in 3D. This is my second time watching 3D on the theatre. The first one was ‘Up’ who recently won an Oscar for ‘best animated film’.

I was persistent to watch ‘Alice’ in 3D because I know that most of the scenes were created with the green screen technology. My guess is right; you have to watch it in 3D to get in into the imaginary vision of Tim Burton, while the storyline was just okay. I think that if you watch don’t watch it in 3D, the story will be a bit boring to you. Kids would love this kind of movie (you know,kids and their imagination), but adults, I think most of them watch it because of the Johnny Depp factor (that includes me hehe).
Alice in popcorn-land.

The other actors on the movie were great too. I love the ‘Red Queen’ character the most. She is so cruelly funny. I think Helena Bonham Carter is a great actor too (remember performance her on Harry Potter, Sweeney Todds and Corpse Bride?). I like Red Queen more than Mad Hatter (played by Johnny Depp) because I couldn’t understand what Mad Hatter were saying, or mumbling. (3D no subtitle remember?) While Anne Hathaway as the White Queen is oddly graceful.
- Intermezzo: I just googled and found out that Helena Bonham Carter is Tim Burton’s fiancĂ©e and Johnny Depp is the godfather of their kid. Omg. Three awesome people making a coalition. They can make a party I’ll definitely vote for them.

Just like the message in the movie: when we were kids we are more imaginative and believe in dreams. But when we grow old, we are faced with the reality and choose not to believe those dreams anymore. I think this movie is trying to tell you that you don’t have to stick to things that people think you should do. If you want to do something (as long as it positive), even though the world has turns its back against you, then you should do it! Don’t be afraid to have dreams, and for those of you who still haven’t figured out what you want to do, just remember what Alice said: ‘Don’t worry, I’ll figure something out’.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

O pretty mannequin

When I first saw this mannequin, it’s like, my jaw dropped to the floor. Maybe in this picture it doesn’t look that ‘gay’ or ‘metro sexual’ or whatever the name they call it but when I first saw this mannequin, as if I couldn’t believe my eyes. You have to see it with your own eyes the degree of the ‘gayness’. hahaha

A man mannequin posing like that with a cropped pants and shawl, hands posing like it’s going to do some traditional dance movement *oh em gee*

I'm sorry that I have to mock this kind of mannequin, but ... I bet when the store is closed and mannequins come alive in the night, this mannequin is the first one being mocked by others because of his overdressed look and pose.

Oh, yes. Living in the mannequin world is as cruel as living in the human world. Those laws applied in both worlds.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Ketika saya sedang bengong dan tak ada kerjaan, tiba-tiba terlintas dalam pikiran hal ini. Saya suka mencari hiburan dengan mencet-mencet channel tipi lokal dan melihat sinetron sekilas-sekilas. Lantas terlintas dalam benak saya, apa yang membuat sinetron tersebut menarik? Mungkin terdengar aneh, tapi ketika saya menyadari, yang menjadi hiburan ialah masalah orang lain. Namun sampai sejauh mana masalah orang lain masih dikategorikan hiburan?

Sebagai contoh paling dekat dengan kita, coba anda nongkrong di depan tivi di jam prime time. Yang menguasai rating jam segitu biasanya adalah sinetron-sinetron (saya tidak punya data yang pasti, tapi radar saya meyakini bahwa sinetron masih menjadi tontonan mayoritas di malam hari, mungkin selain sidang di DPR yang lagi naik daun). Nah, bagi anda yang pernah merasakan hidup di era 90-an, pasti masih ingat kalau dulu sinetron ditayangkan seminggu sekali dan kita menunggu dengan sabar kelanjutan sinetron tersebut. Sekarang? Tidak perlu menunggu seminggu, dalam satu hari satu malam anda sudah bisa menyaksikan kelanjutan cerita tersebut. Isi sinetron tidak jauh dari penderitaan, tangis, dan ratapan. Itulah sinetron Indonesia menurut pandangan saya.

Bayangkan saja, jika dahulu seminggu sekali tokoh-tokoh dalam sinetron mengalami masalah, sekarang setiap hari tokoh-tokoh tersebut didera masalah tiada henti. Saya rasa jika para tokoh-tokoh tersebut benar-benar hidup dalam dunia nyata, saya akan sangat amat salut terhadap kesanggupan mereka dalam menghadapi masalah yang ada. Sepertinya mereka hanya diizinkan bahagia dalam setengah episode saja sebelum masalah baru muncul. Kebahagiaan para tokoh tersebut muncul kurang dari lima belas menit dari berpuluh episode masalah.

Lantas ketika masalah baru muncul biasanya ditunjukkan dengan ekspresi zoom kamera yang meng-close up ekspresi pemain yang pas-pasan, ditambah musik latar yang menegangkan *aw saya takut* yang tentunya anda hafal. Seperti mendung pertanda hujan, ketika musik latar ini berkumandang, anda tahu bahwa dalam sedikitnya sepuluh episode ke depan, tokoh tersebut tidak akan bahagia. Saya tidak menyalahkan yang membuat jalan cerita , yang saya bingung di sini, kenapa orang-orang masih mau menonton jalan cerita yang makin ngawur, maksa, dan tidak ada indah-indahnya tersebut? Why people oh why? Kenapa kalian masih mau menonton acara macam itu? Sepertinya hidup kalian berat sekali sampai-sampai kalian menganggap ‘masalah’ mereka adalah hiburanmu. Lantas pesan moral apa yang diberikan dari sinetron tiada akhir tersebut? Bahwa jadi orang baik pasti harus menderita? Harus menderita dan penderitaan itu tiada henti?

Saran saya bagi pecinta sinetron, berhentilah menonton ketika masalah utama yang ditampilkan pada teaser sinetron tersebut sudah terselesaikan. Jika anda terus menonton, anda sendiri yang akan menderita, anda akan sakit hati kenapa kok ada tokoh yang jahat buanget nget nget dan kenapa ada tokoh yang teraniaya banget nget nget. Anda akan kesal lalu ngedumel ke sekeliling anda tentang betapa jahatnya tokoh X, lantas secara tidak sadar pikiran-pikiran buruk tersebut akan mempengaruhi pola pikir dan perbuatan anda. benar deh. Mungkin sekali lagi saya tidak punya bukti ilmiah, namun satu yang saya yakini benar kalau ‘benih’ yang anda tanam di pikiran anda ialah yang buruk-buruk, maka pasti berbuah yang jelek juga (walopun tetap ada kemungkinan keluar yang baik, tapi peluangnya sedikit banget).

Saya yakin kita punya kesadaran tentang sampai di mana cerita dalam sinetron tersebut bisa menjadi hiburan bagi kita. Walaupun anda suka melihat beberapa pemain sinetron yang ganteng dan cantik-cantik tersebut (yes, I admit that some of them are good looking) tapi please lah, be wise. Jangan biarkan masalah di cerita-cerita sinetron tersebut berubah dari hiburan menjadi pengaruh buruk pada anda. masih banyak kok hiburan lainnya, seperti berbagi cerita dengan orang lain (diskusikanlah masalah di dunia nyata hahaha), baca buku motivational, bermain dengan anak dan tetangga anda, apapunlah yang menjauhkan anda dari hawa-hawa negatif ‘sinetron dengan derita tiada henti’. Ingat, too much trouble is never an entertainment.

Note: saya tidak anti sinetron. Saya hanya berharap apa yang ditampilkan di sinetron bisa lebih membangun bagi penontonnya.