Friday, July 15, 2011

blast from the past writing

On this one random day, my dearest friend gave me a link of our blog we used to write together to pour our thoughts and story. It was a private blog, only four of us can access it. Even i already forgot the ID and password hahaha. It was written on Dec 9th, 2009, almost two years ago. And I was the one who wrote the latest post. I didn't exactly remember how we stopped writing at that blog, but somehow reading those posts has made my day.

The title of my last post was: "Bukan gossip. Hanya fakta ditambah bumbu emosional sedikit."
WICKED! hahahaha.

I copy paste here for your entertainment - and yes, my writer's name is B.S.B Backstabbing Bitch :p

Hai teman-teman. Yang akan saya tulis di bawah ini, bukanlah gossip yang patut dipergunjingkan dan HOT seperti post sebelumnya. Kali ini saya mau nulis catatan akhir tahun aja. Walaupun sekarang belum menjelang akhir desember, masih awal, tapi menurut saya tidak ada salahnya lah. Selama saya masih bisa punya kesempatan menulis hal ini. Betul? *betul*. Oh iya, sebagai warning, mungkin yang saya tulis ini akan membosankan. Ga dibaca ampe abis juga gapapa kok. Ga dikomenin juga gapapa. Saya tahu kok kalian baca juga. EHEHEHE *pede ala pejuang kemerdekaan*

Oh iya sebagai catatan, mungkin saya yang paling rajin ngepost di blog ini. Udah gitu panjang-panjang ga penting lagi. hahaha. saya sebenernya paling semangat kalo disuru nulis. Jujur saya akui saya lebih bisa berkomunikasi dengan non verbal dengan lebih baik dibanding dengan ngomong langsung. Kalo ngomong langsung rasanya banyak yang salah yang keluar dari mulut saya. The only verbal communication I’m good at is karaoke-ing. I won’t get speechless; I won’t hurt you with the words that came out from my mouth because obviously those lines were already written that way. So ya, thanks again to whoever started this whole blog idea. Ihiy.

Huff…. Saya bingung mau ngomong dari mana. Hmmm… ah…

Some graduate from universities, some still doing their best to finish the university

Some hearts were broken, some hearts are filled with new love, some hearts are still trying to hold on and some hearts still remain untouched

Some had their first job; some even already get their second job yet; some still adjusting with their job

Some choose to bond closer in this group while some just seems to walk in different directions.

Some made a giant leap decision with their lives while some are trying to get steady with what they already had

Some people miss the old days while some are excited about the future.

Some people choose to tell everything to their friends while some choose to keep some things for themselves.

Some is trying to write these stupid words to impress others while you are trying to figure out what the hell she wants to say. *kekeke*

Okay, enough of this cheesy crap hahaha. I’ll stop this melodramatic kind of poem. All I want to say is I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thanks for being such a good friends on my ups and downs, on my sugary flowery days and on my super emo dark days. For almost 365 days you guys filled my days. I always believe that are no such things as a coincidence, God has made a great plan to each and every one of us. So when we met and become friends, it’s our joy, it is also your derita lu pade punya temen aneh macem gw. bwakakaka.

All right then. I’ll stop this insanity. The truth is I’m waiting till 5p.m. so I can get home from my office. Hahaha. But then when I read my writing above, it wasn’t that bad (except for all the wrong grammars which will be corrected by bigheadedphilophobia).

Have a splendid new year everyone!

