Saturday, January 30, 2010

unhealthy obsession

One of my favorite channels, E!, has an opening job as the presenter of E! news asia. check out these requirements as the presenter:

- 21 years old or above, and of an Asian heritage
- Speak fluent English and preferably another language
- Have on-camera experience
- Preferably with a background in journalism (although NOT essential)
- With a strong knowledge (or unhealthy obsession) of Entertainment News

oh my. i couldnt stop smiling after reading the last requirement written above. they actually write 'unhealthy obsession' as one of the requirements. LOL.
you can see the web for yourself in here.

see... i know there's nothing wrong with watching celebrity news everyday. turns out it's an advantage if you are planning to work in entertainment business. hahaha

so next time if you think that something you are obsessed about is weird and crazy for other people, remember, it pays to have an unhealthy obsession. there will be a time for our 'unhealthy obsession' moment to shine. we're just like those heroes, peter petrelli and claire bennet waiting to be discovered. hahaha.

Friday, January 29, 2010

yes i'm a winner

Semalam saya bermimpi. Mimpinya sebenarnya tidak ada yang special mungkin. Masih banyak mimpi-mimpi bawah alam sadar sana yang lebih fantastis dari apa yang saya mimpikan semalam. Tapi entah mengapa, kegembiraan yang saya rasakan di dalam alam mimpi saya semalam rasanya real sekali (sampai-sampai saya terbangun sudah jam setengah delapan! O o … jem delapan saya harus masuk kerja).

Semalam saya bermimpi menang lomba menulis cerpen. Yep. I know. There’s nothing special with dreaming winning something. Especially on that dream, I’m not even winning the first place. Dalam mimpi saya, saya menjadi pemenang harapan, malah di bawah harapan. Tapi entah mengapa rasanya menyenangkan sekali. Yang lebih fantastisnya, hadiah yang saya terima membuat tabungan saya di rekening langsung bertambah menjadi 20,6 juta rupiah. Hahaha. entah mengapa bisa keluar angka segitu real-nya. mungkin sekarang saya perlu cek saldo, sapa tau ada yang nyasar ngirim duit ke rekening saya *ngarep banget*.

Ah… gara-gara ngomongin cek saldo, langsung saya cek saldo dari hape, dan kecewalah saya, saldo saya malah berkurang kena biaya administrasi. Cih.

Kembali lagi ke masalah mimpi cerpen. Seumur-umur saya tidak pernah menulis cerpen 1xpun karena saya merasa kemampuan berimajinasi saya sangatlah rendah. Kalau kemampuan melaporkan dari sudut pandang pribadi masih bisa lah. Ketika saya berusaha menulis cerpen, mengetik kalimat pertama saja rasanya sudah memberatkan jiwa dan pikiran ini *yes lebay abis*. Tapi begitulah kenyataannya. sulit rasanya memulai sesuatu yang saya sendiri tidak yakin bisa melakukan dengan baik. Mungkin kuncinya terletak pada jangan berharap mendapatkan sebuah karya yang fenomenal, biarkanlah imajinasi mengalir. Tapiiiiiiiiii kaga ada yang mengalir bo walaupun sudah dirileks-rileksin. Hihihi.

I’m not saying that I won’t write a short story. But for now I don’t think I have the mood yet. I’ll try next time hahaha. Hopefully I can write something good and meaningful for the people who read the story. In the mean time, you would just have to satisfy yourself with my meaningless cuap cuap. Hohoho.

see ya~

Sunday, January 24, 2010

another barbie doll in town

okay, life is not always easy. you get so much pressure from people around you, they may say a lot of things that hurt you and try to tell you about what should you do about your life. it's confusing sometimes. but no matter how hard people say about you, i think you should stay true to your self. i know it's easier to say than done but really guys, you need to love and accept yourself.

i recently watched this video about Heidi Montag who recently had a major plastic surgery. the video will explain it who the hell she is bla bla bla. i am definitely not a fan of her, but i saw her before on a couple 'the hills' episode and i do personally thinks that there's nothing wrong with her looks before the major plastic surgery. now seeing her new looks, it's the same look with another woman who already had a plastic surgery, especially the lips part i think.

i think the hilarious part of the video is starting from the minute 5:19. her answers were beyond my imaginations. hahaha.