Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lucky Me

There are estimated 7.4 billion people as per March 2016 - and each one of us has a different story to tell. Every people is unique and has their own path in this life. We might feel like some people have an easier life than another, well, it's arguable. I believe that each one of us has a personal struggle in our own lives, despite on people saying how easy our lives compared to theirs.

I happened to be lucky enough to hear many stories from people around me. I may not be a good public speaker, but my talent in listening is not so bad. As years go by, the main topics in our life has changed. In my early 20s, life was as simple as graduating on time, and had a good job in a company. Little did I know, in my late 20s, life is much more complicated than that. You started to think deeply about your choices, in relationships, career, investment, or even the simplest one, your food (because trust me your body isn't that young anymore :p)

The more you interact with different types of people, the more you broaden your knowledge and it helps to understand more about yourselves too. I may not be a (very) socialize person, but at some point I also believed I have drawn a few (or some, but not many) people into sharing some of their stories. Luckily, sometimes I get more than just a story, I get to listen to their secrets too (HAHA). Well, if the word 'secret' here is not meant like it's a 'dirty laundry' (or it is...) but it's more like a personal thoughts / information that you just don't share with someone. And of course -it has to be shared with someone as special as me. *wink wink* -Okay you are allowed to not continue reading this blog post due to my excessive self loving.

Trust me, whoever shared their 'secrets' to me and read this blog post, I can guarantee that I'm a good keeper - if I want to share your secret, I'll make one special blog post under your name spoiling all of it HAHAHA
So often, after hearing their stories - well explained from A to Z- this person will ask about my opinion. Usually I would carefully chose my first few words. If I'm not familiar with the topic, let say, 'marriage' (yep, don't ask), my first few words will be: "This is hard. I've never been in your position but in my opinion bla bla bla...."
The amazing thing is, after being the listener for many stories and from many experiences, I can make one conclusion: most people already figured out the facts and consequences about the 'thing' that they did or planning to do.
They just need someone to share their feelings and thoughts. 
They valued my opinion but my opinion is not gonna change their decision. They disguised it as an open discussion, but what they needed is more of encouragement - or in simple bahasa Indonesia: Sukur-sukur kalo pemikiran kita sama.

Despite of that one conclusion I had. I feel very blessed to have an opportunity to listen to so many life stories. I am also very grateful that my opinion is valued by them.
I can say that, I learned a lot from the experiences and thoughts that those people shared. 
I have also learned from each story that each of us carries our own 'baggage'. There's not one life's that is easier than other. It might seemed easier on the surface, but everyday we are facing our own kind of battle. 
So, cheers to us and to many stories that will come! Or if you're lucky, I'll be the one whose telling you my stories :)