Sunday, October 13, 2013

Behind Those Aisles

Today I accompanied my mom and went to one of hypermarket in Kelapa Gading. The funny thing is, when I walked into the fruits and vegetables sections, my mind went instantly to the hypermarkets I used to go to when I was still studying in Beijing, Walmart (沃尔玛) and Carrefour (家乐福) . It reminds me of the joy and the luxury (ha?) of strolling around each section of the hypermarkets, trying to read the words (汉字)on the packaging, and guessing what ingredients contained on the items *dork alert*.

I may describe it a little way overboard haha. What I meant to say is, as a student (and unemployed at that time), going to the supermarket/ hypermarket is a form of entertainment for us (me). If I were in Jakarta, going to the mall and strolling around malls for hours is a form of entertainment because some of the items are still much affordable compare to the malls in Beijing. So, how do I substitute my longings to go the malls like I used to in Jakarta? Going to hypermarkets is the answer. HAHAHA... 

As a student, my class everyday starts from 8.30 am- 11.45 a.m., after that I didn't have any other activities. So you can say I had plenty of time to play around or get wasted (hahaha no no I use my time wisely :p). The nearest mall to my dorm/ school would take a bus ride or a subway ride, but to get to Walmart, it takes around five - ten minutes walk (depending on my mood) and around fifteen minutes to get to Carrefour. So whenever we get bored, we could just open the door, bring my wallet, (oops don't forget to bring the dorm key) and walk into the hypermarket. Most of the things I bought at the hypermarkets were snacks or bread for my breakfast - and to be honest, I prefer to buy licensed brand products because I believe that I don't need to questioned about the quality of products whatsoever. There are a lot of cheap price products at the markets that sometimes I get scared on how can they get profits with such low price items. Canned beer for example, I thinks it was only one kuai/ can, while the bottled mineral water was more expensive than that. 

Anyway.. it's amazing on how such a little thing like going to the hypermarkets can bring such a good memories. When I was still in Beijing, I never thought that Walmart and Carrefour can bring such a sentimental memories about the days careless and free days as a student. Hahaha.. Maybe next time I'm gonna write another ordinary thing that triggers my memory about some good old days. Yeah... those were really good times back then *gazing the window*



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