The best phrase to describe this year for me is: " what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"
Not that I'm saying that I had worse year than yours cause I believe that everyone had their own battle, it's just by far, the toughest year I had. On the other side, I learned a lot through the tough times this 2011.
I gained weight, lost weight *I just have to put this one first :p*
Taken six months long of continuous medicine and thank God I can recover from the things that made me taken all those pills.
I went through a very personal breakdown but thankfully I managed to recover slowly.
I had my longest hair since I was born and managed to cut it this tuesday.
I've taken the most airplane ride that I think I would have for the next following years of my life.
This year is also the last year that I become a bridal party member.
Through all of these (maybe some I forget to mention) made me realized that there's no way I can get through this crazy year without His strength's and guidance. The experiences this year also leads me to be more sure of what I want to achieve in 2012. There's no such things as coincidence, it's already written in His hands. So thank you Lord for 2011 and please bless us in everything that we plan for 2012.

- Abeth on BlogPress from her iPod
Location:Jalan Gading Kirana 2,,Indonesia
happy new year 2012 babe! hope our dream can come true this year. cheers!