ketika daku menulis post ini...
usiaku sudah bertamabh satu tahun...
makin tua renta aje nih.wakaka....
kmrn g iseng2 menemukan sifat2 orang yg lhr bln november
kynya yg bener cm yg jelek2nya doang nih...
sedih amet sih gue..
* Has a lot of ideas à I have noooo idea…….
* Difficult to fathom à bEEtul itu! Finding it hard to understand myself. =’(
* Thinks forward à ga juga
* Unique and brilliant à oh terimakasih…hehe..
* Extraodinary ideas à kaga ah
* Sharp thinking à sedikit..
* Fine and strong clairvoyance à kg
* Can become good doctors à too bad I’m not taking medical school ;p
* Careful and cautious à iya bgt
* Dynamic in personality à kaga ah, gue dr dl gini2 aj
* Secretive à iya BGT
* Inquisitive à kg
* Knows how to dig secrets à ah nggak jg, biasanya org yg mau berbagi rahasia dgn gue.wakaka…
* Always thinking à belakangan ini ude jarang mikir
* Less talkative but amiable à iya BGT
* Brave and generous à ga brave2 amet sih
* Patient à kt org2 c gt
* Stubborn and hard-hearted à nggak ah
* If there is a will, there is a way à ga jg :p
* Determined à yang ditentukan?apa maksudnya neh?
* Never give up à boro2, pasrahan gue mah
* Hardly become angry unless provoked à BENER SEKALI
* Loves to be alone à actually I hate being alone, but the fact is most of the time I am alone
* Thinks differently from others à Maybe~
* Sharp-minded à emangnya otak gue diserut ampe tajem?
* Motivates oneself à memotivasi diri sdr?kyny kg,mlhan g lbh srg mmtvs org laen d..
* Does not appreciates praises à apa salahnya dipuji?hehe…
* High-spirited à ndak jg
* Well-built and tough à not really
* Deep love and emotions à BETUL SKALE
* Romantic àiya..hehe..jd malu…
* Uncertain in relationships à kinda..
* Homely à hooh..
* Hardworking à yg ini pasti salah
* High abilities à maybe..deep down inside
* Trustworhty à OPKORSlah! You can trust me ^o^
* Honest and keeps secrets à BETUL ITU!
* Not able to control emotions à YUP!
* Unpredictable à gue bgt nih!
mi, panjang amat sehhh... narsis tuhhh
pokoke mami gue ini is the best!!