Sunday, September 14, 2014

September Love

There will always be a two sides to every story. And since it's my blog.. you will hear it from my side. How lucky you are! HA!

Okay anyway in short. I've been single again for this one month. The relationship itself didn't last long and it was my first real relationship (idk why i put the word 'real' in here haha). As well all know, life isn't a fairy tale. It's an ongoing process that we need to continue pass each day. As for my story, it had to end sooner than I thought it would be.

Looking back, one thing for sure, I learned a lot. The most important thing I learned was about to love someone unconditionally. I might be too naive for this, but I believe that nobody is ever lose anything by sharing their love to another.

The list of things I learned could goes on and on. Some of you might have learned it too from your own experience. I believe that most of the time we just need to experience the pain to be prepared to be a better person and partner. One thing that I will always tell my self is to always be honest, especially to your partner :)

As one of my favorite quote say "The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return." 
Don't lose hope yet, my fellow single friends, we will get there soon! *grin*

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