Minggu lalu saya berbincang-bincang dengan seorang sahabat di kantor via messenger. Saya di kantor saya di Singapura dan sahabat saya tersebut berkantor di Busan, Korea Selatan. Mungkin bagi Anda yang membaca, kalian menilai kalau kami ialah dua teman yang punya karier luar biasa, tinggal dan bekerja overseas. Mungkin bagi yang lain berpikir, betapa meng-eneg-kan dan sok pamer sekali orang yang nulis postingan ini. – well, the most probable thing is: no one read this post. Ha!
OK, kembali ke perbincangan awal saya dengan sahabat saya tersebut. Seperti biasa di tengah jam kantor, kami suka berbincang hal yang tidak penting (but hey! Sapa juga yang ga suka chatting urusan pribadi di kantor?) tiba-tiba sahabat saya ini menemukan harta karun yang terkubur cukup lama. Not literally. Dia menemukan kembali blognya yang dibuat di masa labilnya. *evil laugh*.
Saya yang pada waktu itu agak sibuk, jadi tergelitik sejenak untuk melihat blog jaman SMA tersebut. (probably around 7 years ago).
Saya klik alamat yang diberikan oleh sahabat saya tersebut and I was stunned when I saw that blog after a long long time. Astajim. What could have we wrote when we were younger?
Why did I say ‘we’ ? I think most probably is because she is one of the person who influenced me to start writing on the internet. I saw the layout of feyusu.blogspot.com and I can still feel the craziness and silliness of her during her ‘unstable teenager’ year a.k.a. zaman abege labil.
Seeing her writings, I can feel her passion so much about K-POP (which is rare for six years ago) and how honest a teenager can be about her daily life. I mean, come on, not everyone is dedicated enough to spend more than half hour writing about their daily life.
Though today I think the blogging thing has moved to a different level (see those fashionista blog or whatever thingy they called it), it’s a consistency that I salute the most from my dear friend Feyusu.
So after seeing her blog, I was like being slapped again (this week I think I’m having some major wake up call about life, I’ll tell you one by one later). I remember I was once like her, I love to write. Always have and always will. I want to re-live that passion again. I think it doesn’t matter about whether someone’s reading your blog or not. It’s a matter of self satisfaction and believe me, when you read or own writings in a long-long time after.. you will see how much you have grown. It’s good to know that I have grown up with my writings and with my dear friend Feyusu *air hug*

NOTE: I have NO idea why suddenly I changed my writing from bahasa to English. I just wrote things that came out on my mind.