ring ring..
it's saturday and i'm at the office.
yeah hell rite. hahaha. i don't know why i write "hell". sorry. it's not like being in the office at saturday is bad. hahaha. i totally love it (i'm being sincere here hahaha)
this has been my third week in my new office. which means the third saturday i spent at the office, and currently i have nothing to do (not that there are no job to do, but i'm just too lazy to do it hahaha) so i decided to blog. yay! don't you all my readers miss me? (well, so far as i know, no one reads this blog :p)
okay since i think i don't have much to say (yet), i think i'm gonna post some pictures taken from my sony ericsson W960i camera. yeah yeah.. i know. everyone uses Blackboring or iFong these days, people may think that i'm so out of date, but HEY! you're not allowed to say bad things to my quirky cellphone. (i don't even understand what quirky means and i use the word *sigh*)
so here it goes.
the first picture is...
the terminal 2 soekarno hatta waiting room. (in case you never been there haha)
so rite now i'm curently at singapore so this picture is taken on the day i left jakarta, my family, my friends and my everything (bwakakaka what is my everything?)
my personal thought is i think that people who works at an airport can be too grumpy sometimes. especially the bapak-bapak with kumis and perut buncit. i'm not a fan of them.
so let's move to my second picture.
this is a picture of my current desk at the office
see how good employee i am? the monitor shows my facebook page. hahahaha.
no lah, i only browse facebook when i'm bored, tired, and need some refreshment. i can guarantee i'm working as hard as i work to gain level on online games level.hahahahaha you won't regret hiring me, lao ban!
but too bad i don't have speakers on my computer. it's kinda boring working without music rite? you get sleepy easily.
okay then. so this is it. the end of my blog post. see you soon!
have a great days and weekends!