Saturday, July 31, 2010

500 Days of Summer - Official Full Length Trailer

i love this movie sooo much.
it's lovely, sad, and realistic at once.
yesterday i watched the movie for the second time and i think the script is awesome. it makes me laugh at every lines.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Jason Castro - "Let's Just Fall In Love Again" (Official Music Video)

too bad i can't whistle ;)
let's sing along!

why i can't stop complaining

just a thought.
lately i've been so gloomy and bitter.
lalu tiba-tiba keinget, kemaren asisten rumah tangga di rumah ga masuk. dia sakit lalu ga masuk sehari. besoknya kembali lagi kerja.

i wonder pernah ga dia merasa bosan sama hidupnya. tiap hari kerja di tiga rumah (cuci gosok), kerja cuma hari minggu liburnya. kalo tanggal merah pun dia tetep masuk.
anaknya dua ditinggal di kampung sama orang tua. ketemu anak cuma setaun dua kali.
mungkin dia pernah komplain (yang jelas ga ama gw lah komplainnya). mungkin dia komplain, tapi tetep life must go on.

then what about me? in some point i believe that i have a better opportunity and life than her. but i wonder how come i never feel 'enough'.

go away bad thoughts.... syuh syuh...
let the positive aura come to me.

bless you guys,
